Monday, February 6, 2012

'Love Jones' Part 1

Warning this video Clip contains adult language and suggestive themes.
Also known as swear words and dirty talk. SORRY!

     I was sitting with a bunch of guys and brought the topic of romance, after all the sighs and grunts of distastement, i realized how skewed a view some men have about the topic. On one hand you have the guys that ooze romance and are sappy to their very core, and on the other the bitter cynics that see romance as a series of hoops and hurdles to bound in order to catch a significant other.

     They say its a thin line between love and hate, and the same goes for the practices of romance. Now I am using the romance to reflect the instances that occur during the courtship of a new relationship. While some stories we have read have been over the top, the simple and subtle for of romance has been broken down in this video from the movie "Love Jones." in this clip you get some aspects of the male perspective on romance. Set to be a sort of buffer into the deep topic of romance. I found that the character of Darius Lovehall to be a valid point in the on going struggles of people meeting and falling in love. Its hard work convincing a person to give you a chance, even harder when trying to attract another for the purpose of love.

     I think a lot of people can agree that the first must be a driving force to set two people in motion to find each other. next comes the mutual attraction. The feeling out process, a playful yet challenging game of cat and mouse to check limits and boundaries. Then comes the courtship itself, displays of affection followed by well timed events that cause the two to set sail on a sea of calamity that eventual brings both parties to the same conclusion. The fact that neither person can go without a daily dose of one another. but when the excitement wears off, it is then that you must reinvent the romance.